Dr. Padmakumar G

Vice President
  • drpadmakumarg@hotmail.com
  • 9744902278
  • Revathy EVRA- 358, Eswari vilasom road jagathy Thiruvananthapuram

Associate Professor, Dept of PMR Government Medical College Thiruvananthapuram,

Address: Revathy EVRA- 358, Eswari vilasom road jagathy Thiruvananthapuram,

Experience: 16 yrs post PG (2008 to 2024),

Publications: 6 publication(4 research articles and two case reports), Co-author of a chapter in IAPMR Textbook of PMR,

Areas of interest: Musculoskeletal and sports medicine


Phone number

+91 9447303550

Email address


Address info

Kerala Chapter of IAPMR, Department of PMR Govt Medical College, Trivandrum