Executive Committee Member

Sindhu Vijayakumar MD, DNB

Associate Professor,

Dept. Of PMR, 

Amala Institute of Medical Sciences,

Amala Nagar, Thrissur

Executive Director, FIRRE

23 years of experience in the field of Rehabilitation

1. V Sindhu, U Singh, S Wadhwa, SL Yadav. Advantages of Ischial Weight Bearing Immediate Post Operative Prosthesis. IJPMR, April 2002; 13: 5-11

2. S Vijayakumar, U Singh. PWD Act: Awareness among beneficiaries and members of rehabilitation team. Indian Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, April 2004; 15: 12-16

3. S Vijayakumar, U Singh. “Prevalence of medical complications vis-à-vis psychosocial complications in spinal cord injury patients”. IJPMR, April 2004; 15: 38-44.

4. Sindhu V, Diganta Borah and U. Singh. “Significance of grip strength in Geriatric Rehabilitation: A Pilot Study”. IJPMR, April 2006; 17 (1): 5 – 7.

5. Sindhu V, Anil K Gupta, M M Araf, Diganta Borah, S L Yadav, U Singh, Sanjay Wadhwa. vi. “Multiple Disabilities – Challenges in Rehabilitation: A Case Report”. IJPMR, October 2006; 17 (2): 41 – 44.

6. S Vijayakumar, U Singh, SL Yadav. Spinal Tuberculosis: Presenting as Retroperitoneal Lymphadenopathy, Obstructive Uropathy, Chronic Renal Failure and Back pain – A Case Report. IJPMR, April 2003; 14: 19-23.

7. Diganta Borah, Sanjay Wadhwa, Upinderpal Singh, Shiv Lal Yadav, Manasi Bhattacharjee and Sindhu V. “Age related changes in postural stability”. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, October 2007; 51 (4): 395 – 404.

8. Sindhu Vijayakumar. “Persons with Disabilities and their Employment: Can I do anything to bring about a positive change as a Physiatrist?”. Kerala Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (KJPMR), April 2021; 18 (3): 8 – 10

9. Sindhu Vijayakumar. “Assistive Technology for Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation”. Kerala Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (KJPMR); Oct 2022; 19 (4): 67 – 73. 

Areas of Interest: Assistive Technology, Neurorehab, Paediatric Rehab, Amputee rehab